You Cross The Line

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Lyrics - Copyright (c) 2019

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
You crossed the line so now you must go

You crossed the line with the lies you’re saying
You played your part in them twisting the vote
We’re not that blind, we see the games you’re playing
You crossed the line now our enemies gloat

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
You crossed the line now our enemies gloat

You crossed the line with the hate you’re raising
Claiming its fine to shoot our youth on a whim
Gave us a shrine for the worship of division
These godless ways bringing storms of sin

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
You crossed the line bringing storms of sin

You promised to get rid of migrants here in my town
You said that’d cut the drugs and rapists all the way down
Some truths, some lies, some promises you made just to break
With tweeted fake news righteousness like oil from that snake

You crossed the line shutting down our workplace
We’re struggling hard to protect and serve
Casting the blame in a way that’s just so two-face
This simple man knows that buck stops here

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
You crossed the line but the buck stops here

You crossed the line with the laws you’re making
Building a wall that’ll be just for show
We’ve lost our faith and our trust in you is breaking
You crossed the line and now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
Enemies gloat so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
We’ve lost our trust so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
Breaking the laws so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
Building false walls so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
Worshiping hate so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
Tweeting fake news so now you must go

You crossed the line, you crossed the line
The buck stops here so now you must go